Accidents at Work Claims

If you have suffered an injury as a result of a workplace accident, The McKinstry Company can help.

Claiming against your employer might seem intimidating, and we understand that you may already be under financial pressure as a result of your injury, never mind concerned about losing your job. However, our team of experienced and understanding solicitors will guide you through the process of making a claim.

Only a personal injury specialist can ensure that you receive the maximum compensation owed to you, and the personal injury team here at The McKinstry company will strive to compensate you for all of the ways in which you have suffered loss.

Suffering an injury as a result of a workplace accident can be difficult. You might be concerned about bringing a claim against your employer and whether you might lose your job or sacrifice your working relationships. However, employers must have insurance to cover them for such eventualities, and in reality, you are making your claim against the insurer, not your employer.

Furthermore, most claims settle out of court, so we will negotiate with the insurer on your behalf, striving for the maximum compensation for your injury.

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